Monday, May 28, 2012

How to Store your Wedding Dress - Hills In Hollywood

A question we are often asked is “How do I store my Wedding Dress?”  Professional preservation can be quite expensive and sometimes proves to be dangerous to delicate fabrics. Storing your gown at home is more cost-effective, but if it is not done correctly it can ruin the fabric. Storing a bridal gown correctly can make the difference between preserving your precious Wedding Dress for future generations or destroying the material and fabric. We suggest:
1.       Take your Wedding dress to a Professional Dry Cleaner and don’t be afraid to ask Questions about their experience with Wedding Dresses. Sweat, stains, Perfume and residue from wearing your gown will cause problems for the fabric and may weaken or damage it as the fabric ages. Having the dress cleaned as soon as possible prevents damage from accumulating.  We cannot stress how important it is to have your gown cleaned professionally.

2.       Choose how your Wedding Dress will be stored. Boxed or hanger storage are popular options, depending upon what type of storage space you have available. These options will allow the fabric to breathe and prevent moisture from accumulating in the storage area, which can destroy your beautiful Wedding Dress over time.

Boxed Storage - Pack the dress in an acid-free cardboard box and line the interior with acid-free tissue or storage paper. Fold the dress carefully into the lined box, making sure creases are soft and any embellishments or colour areas have tissue paper layered between them. When closing the box, do not use an airtight seal or wrap as this can cause moisture to accumulate.

Hanger Storage - Select a wide hanger with soft padding. When placing your Bridal Gown on the padded hanger, take care the folds of the skirt are not wrinkled or obstructed. Wrap your gown in a cloth cover made of unbleached cotton or muslin to keep dust out. Plastic covers will collect moisture and cause your gown to rot.