Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Barijay Bridesmaid Dresses coming to Hills In Hollywood Soon

 Gorgeous Lace Bridesmaid Dresses have been released from Barijay.
We love the new Bridesmaid designs and can't wait to get them instore.

Check out Hills In Hollywood Youtube HillsinH to see more new
Bridesmaid Dresses, Formal Dresses and Wedding Dresses

Monday, November 5, 2012

Melbourne Cup Fashion

One of our lovely Customers ordered this beautiful gown for the Melbourne Cup.
She knew it may not have made it but we have some exciting news for her today.
This is a truly Beautiful Dress and we know it will Shine at her Melbourne Cup Function.
This is certainly one for Fashion on the Fields.

Melbourne Cup - Fashions on the Field - To Bling or not to Bling

 WoW - We have had such a mix of Racewear going out the Doors of Late.
We cannot pick the trend this year as we have had Modern Day Glamour and Classic Designs Sold.
One thing is for sure - When it comes to entering in Fashions on the Field,
It is so important to be comfortable in your outfit of Choice.